Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 9, 2008

Cosmetic, Sedation, General & Family Dentistry in HCM City

A beautiful smile begins with healthy teeth. Today’s technology allows patients increased durability, convenience and comfort.
Comparing the dentistry your parents knew with the new dentistry that has emerged over the past 10-15 years is like comparing the computers of the 1950’s with today’s powerful desktop computers.

Dr. Vu expertly restores decayed or broken teeth and replaces missing teeth to restore form and function to your smile. From white fillings and porcelain crowns to permanent bridges, dental implant crowns, laser bonding and more, Dr. Vu offers you the highest level of care and the most advanced general dentistry treatment for you and your entire family. 
These services are:
· Dental X-Rays: Routine dental x-rays determine problems above and below the gum line.
· Blood Pressure Screening: We provide this complimentary service to our patients. They appreciate our concern for their overall health.
· Oral Cancer Check: As a part of our examination services we look for suspicious lesions or areas in and around the mouth. With early detection and treatment, oral cancer, in most cases, can be successfully eliminated.
· Cavity Detection: Catching small areas of decay early saves tooth structure and thereby helps keep your teeth for a lifetime.
· Gum Disease Evaluation: Gum disease is not only responsible for premature tooth loss but studies indicate that bacteria from gum disease is linked to heart disease and other diseases.
· Detection and Recession Index: Dr. Vu evaluates and measures loss of gum. The recession is monitored at each check up visit.
· Tooth Color Comparison Evaluation: Age, medicines, food and beverages are some of the causes of tooth discoloration. Dr. Vu and his team use a shade guide to determine your tooth color and its changes.
· Intraoral Camera Evaluation: Using a high tech intraoral camera, photos are taken of teeth. The camera enlarges them forty times revealing cracks and abnormalities not always visible to the naked eye.
· Periodontal Pocket Depth and Mobility Detection: measuring pocket depth and mobility of the gums and teeth respectively gives Dr. Vu important information on how to treat your mouth and what restorations would work the best for you.
Muscle Testing: This helps to determine whether or not you are over closed and if may be a mouth appliance would open your mouth for new restorations
· TMJ and Facial Muscle Evaluation: Jaw muscle and joint dysfunction can be as minor as slight clicking or popping sensations or as severe as persistent pain extending into the face, neck and shoulders. There are many common causes and a variety of treatment options. 
· DVD Patient Education: Caesy™ is a respected education DVD used to help patients to understand their treatment.
· Smile Imaging: We are able to show you what you would look like with your new smile before having any treatment done.
· Complimentary Detailed Consultation with Optional Treatment Choices: Dr. Vu will discuss your needs, encourage your input and offer you various approaches to your treatment that will fit your style and your budget.
· Teeth Cleaning and Polishing: Studies reveal that more frequent cleanings are recommended to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Dr. Vu agrees and many of his patients are experiencing less dental troubles by having cleanings every 3-6 months. However, there are still certain situations where six-month cleanings are the recommended treatment.
One-Visit Root Canal: With new and improved high tech electric root canal hand pieces, one-visit root canal treatments are easier and faster than ever before.
· Same Day Emergency Treatment: Dr. Vu believes in not keeping patients in discomfort waiting days for an appointment. In most cases, patients are offered same day emergency care.
· Dental Implants: Implants are the next best thing to growing your own teeth. They replace the roots of teeth that have been lost through injury, decay and gum disease and can serve as a base for ceramic or porcelain crowns.
· Gum Treatment and Arestin™ Non-Surgical Gum Treatments: This treatment involves microcrystallized-powdered antibiotic. It is placed below the gum to help eliminate active gum disease and minimize or avoid, in many cases, surgical procedures.· Full Dentures: Dr. Vu masterfully designs full dentures for strength, beauty and comfort.
· Implant Overdentures: This means no more wobbling, and no more irritated gum tissue or gooey adhesives in your mouth.
· Children’s Dentistry: One stop dental care is what many of our patients are asking form. Children are welcomed and are shown how easy and fun their first visit can be. Feel free to bring their favorite video, DVD or CD or choose one from our wide selection. 
Dr. Vu provides maximum comfort with a commitment to individualized treatment. Our warm, friendly staff is committed to making your visits comfortable, convenient and enjoyable. We know how important your time is and assure on-time appointments. Dr. Vu will take the time necessary to get to know you and your individual care, needs and wishes.
Want to show off a new smile?
Call Dr. Vu at 0979 81 00 16 or (08) 8729 858 for more information

DR. VU, D.D.S.
7A Lam Van Ben P.Tan Thuan Tay Q.7
HCM City
A Trusted Tradition Of Comfortable Dental Care

N ụ c ư ời duy ên d áng đ ư ợc b ắt đ ầu t ừ s ức kho ẻ r ăng mi ệng. K ỷ thu ật nha khoa hi ện đ ại ng ày nay g óp ph ần mang l ại cho bạn m ột ph ục h ình r ăng r ất b ền, ti ện l ợi v à tho ải m ái.
B ằng nh ững k ỹ thu ật chuy ên nghi ệp, Bs. V ũ s ẽ ph ục h ình l ại c ác r ăng b ị s âu, b ị g ãy ho ặc thay th ế c ác r ăng đ ã m ất đ ể t ái t ạo l ại n ụ c ư ời r ạng r ỡ c ủa b ạn. T ừ nh ững v ật li ệu composite tr ám r ăng th ẩm m ỹ, r ăng s ứ, c ầu r ăng s ứ, r ăng c ắm ghép, ch ỉnh h ình r ăng h ô m óm … Bs. V ũ s ẽ mang l ại s ự s ăn s óc r ăng mi ệng to àn di ện nh ất, k ỹ thu ật đi ều tr ị ti ên ti ến nhất cho bạn v à cho c ả gia đình b ạn.

B ạn th ực s ự mu ốn c ó m ột n ụ c ư ờI t ự tin? H ãy g ọI ngay cho Bs. V ũ theo s ố đi ện tho ại:
0979 81 00 16 ho ặc (08) 8729 858
đ ể đ ư ợc t ư v ấn tr ực ti ếp.

7A L âm V ăn B ền P. T ân Thu ận T ây Q.7 
Tp. H ồ Ch í Minh